Thursday, October 9, 2014

Christians Discuss- What Does the Holy Spirit Feel Like?

"Generally speaking, when the Spirit speaks, people recognize the message as coming from God.  So the first thing I’d say is the Holy Spirit feels like truth.
The Spirit is described in various parts of scripture as fire, power, faith, peace, joy, fullness, or holiness (the seal of God’s promise in and on us).  All these things come from God and when the Spirit makes His presence known we usually feel at least some of these things in some way or another.
In most cases in scripture the arrival of the Spirit is followed immediately by someone speaking God’s word or prophesying.  The Spirit of God brings God’s word, and when the Spirit inspires, it feels impossible to keep quiet about the Word.
The Spirit is, truly and literally, God within us.  Sometimes a person can sense the presence of a Being far greater than can be imagined; I’m sure when the Spirit touches us, He holds back a great deal otherwise we’d be completely overwhelmed.
In conjunction with healing and other miracles, the presence of the Spirit is often described as 'warmth', 'a tingling sensation', 'electrical' or 'breathtaking'."

-from Getting Started blog, “What Does the Holy Spirit Feel Like?”, by Peg

From comments on the article:

"There is no better mental or physical experience than that of the Holy Spirit. The enormous peace and joy that engulfs your mind and body is something that’s unexplainable; it has to be experienced by the believer."

-from blog user Dorothy

"It was like a warm oil filling my body via the top middle of my head and lowering slowly to fill my whole body. When my body was filled human words could not possibly explain how perfect it was and how happy I became. I remember saying if this is what heaven is like, I want to go straight there. It was unexplainable. I knew it was GOD, I knew it was the truth, I knew it was perfect. Since then, I am still the same person, except I believe in GOD 100%, I have absolutely no fear, I love all the time, even when times are tough, and sad. My emotions are more sensitive and maxed out. I have more understanding of life, and I see everything in a better light. My life is still the same, but it does not worry me or concern me as I know there is something much better beyond this life."

-from blog user Mark

"I felt a warm tingling sensation that started in my head and moved to the rest of my body – similar to the sensation of taking a relaxing hot shower. This was accompanied by so many tears of joy that I had to stop singing but continued to mouth the words out of love for God. This was the first time I had ever experienced joy to the point of weeping, so it all seemed very strange. Looking around I could see others were experiencing the same tears of joy."

-from blog user Tom

"When I first started feeling this holy spirit is when I got saved and was unaware of what is was, it felt like best way for me to explain it was when I sung songs gospel songs or prayed to GOD I would feel something like oil being poured over my head and continuing down my torso – body.
It was not a warm feeling or electricity feeling but a presence like I said like oil being poured on my head and flowing downward my body I feel very peaceful when it happens not scared and sometimes I get like a smile so powerful like happyness feeling.
In some way people could I guess descibe it as tingly but I strongly feel it feels more like a presence to me at least.
I asked alot of christians about it and some answer me saying it is the holy spirit and others I asked say they never felt it, I hope it is from GOD and thats what I strongly feel"

-from blog user Robert

"You will probably be familiar with this feeling, the warm buzzing, vibrating kind of physical feeling that you may have felt in Church before, or when you have been on your own praying etc. I personally associate this feeling to the presence of the Holy Spirit. Whenever I am in communion with the Spirit of God, this feeling is with me. In actual fact, this feeling is with me pretty much all the time. Except whenever I have grieved the Holy Spirit, this feeling leaves me.
...I said Holy Spirit show me how and where I begin getting to know the Father. Immediately that buzzing was there, it was all over my body. It wasn’t full on, it was clearly there, but not overwhelmingly so. I began to say “my spirit to your spirit Holy Spirit” and I said this over and over, then all of a sudden, it had taken over. My entire physical body felt as if it wasn’t there anymore, my eyes were closed, but I could feel the Glory and presence of God right before me, and it was lifting me up.
...I felt so humbled, and grateful to be given such an opportunity to experience God like this. The Holy Spirit was telling me, that to get to the know the Father, you start with praise. You praise him for the wonderful blessings, and lessons he has brought to your life. You start with loving the Father and the Son. You allow them into your life, and they will show you exactly how much they love you.
This experience was unlike anything I have ever felt before in my life. And before that night, there was always doubt. A little bit of doubt, not much but it was there. Now there is none.  My life has changed so much in such a short amount of time, all because I listen to those thoughts that enter my mind...  A little voice comes in and convicts me of that, and tells me that’s not the right thing to do. I listen to myself when I feel bad because I havent read the bible in a few days. You know. I listen to the word of God when things jump out at me, and are applicable to my situation at the time. These things are all the Holy Spirit."

-from blog user Victoria

A woman describes her experiences with the Holy Spirit:

"This whole week I’ve been blogging about the Holy Spirit.  I can’t stop thinking about Him. I’m so awed by whom He is and all that He does for me.  I reflected back on all the interaction I’ve had with Him.  My first big shocking interaction was when my husband spoke in tongues and then I did.  It was so shocking and so exciting.  I knew speaking in tongues was real because the language was so beautiful and I know I could not have made that up on my own.
The experience went through every part of my body.  I was so excited that all I wanted to do was pray to God.  The Holy Spirit also manifested Himself to me in other ways.  We truly have a very close relationship.  It wasn’t that He was only in me… but through me and all over me.
The Holy Spirit not only reveals Himself to me in prayer…  but at so many other times…  His counsel to me has been incredible.  He advises me every day about something.  I have felt His arms around me when I needed comfort.
 In my singing ministry…I walk up to the microphone to sing and sometimes I’m not feeling up to par… I start singing and halfway through the song I feel the Holy Spirit fill me and I know then that the music has gone to another level.  I feel like we are singing and not just me.  I feel the congregation feels His presence too.  Sometimes I get so nervous before I have to sing and I ask Him if He’s with me and He makes me know in some unique way that He‘s with me.  Sometimes I can feel Him escort me up to sing and other times like I said…He manifests Himself while I sing.
...The Holy Spirit has even showed me a vision of Himself when I first committed myself to the Lord.  ...He will always be with me and will be there the day I die which is so comforting to me.  I am always in the presence of my God."

-from the blog, "God Speaks, I Listen", by Tanya Nemley

From Yahoo Answers question, "What does the presence of the Holy Spirit feel like?"

"I have been really blessed to feel the Holy Spirit twice. I asked God to come into my life again because I was feeling a void. I was spiritually thirsty for Him. The next morning when I woke up, I felt the Holy Spirit! To make it short, it feels like peace, knowledge (of God), love, electricity from head to toe, fire burning inside you, happiness, peace, joy, safety... Emotions humans don't even have words for. I felt all of these. Some people feel one of these, or a couple, or all. It is a truly beautiful feeling and experience."

-from Yahoo user Sstrom

"Really I think it's like different from person to person. Also it's kind of like indescribable sometimes. You just feel have this calmness in times of trouble, you feel like someone is always watching over you, idk it's really not like anything else so I can't really describe it. The best thing I could say is that it feels better than without having the Holy Spirit (and I do partially know what that feels like). God bless :)"

-from Yahoo user S

"Like being enveloped in Light and Glory. Some of my friends have fallen down under god's power when someone has prayed for them and those who continue to rest on carpet feel cocooned in amazing peace, some experience a sense of being cleansed or healed. Some have been healed of a physical complaint.My husband has had a powerful vision - it involved seeing the steps of God's throne and his robe flowing down the steps, also he saw Christ standing by him and then experienced the Power of the Holy Spirit! The Spirit settled on him like a calming, soothing, cleansing coverlet which seemed to seep through his flesh into his very soul!  ...It was a Trinitarian experience of God!
...In worship I have a sense of great love, glory and the perfection of Heaven. So many of us are so overwhelmed at these beautiful times that tears roll down our faces. Sometimes I feel as though i want to weep heartily and noisily with all my might!
I ask myself - 'Why this compulsion to weep?' - It is because the love, glory and pefection that we feel is in such stark but wonderful and stunning contrast to the sorrows, pain and sheer evil that we all experience to some degree in this life. The sense of wonder and Joy seems to be too Pure and Perfect for the human heart to handle! It truly is fantastic! Some people get almost addicted to worship because it links you in a very intimate way with God. Charismatic worshippers when in praise song, often close their eyes, engrossed in the presence of God."

-from Yahoo user Yorkshire Lass

"Very happy :)
It's hard to explain because the happiness you feel (from the Holy Spirit) is nothing of this world. The happiness just makes you want to praise God :)"

-from Yahoo user Jesus = only way to salvation

"An overwhelming presence of love and happiness. So overwhelming, that words can't justify it. It's truly remarkable."

-from Yahoo user Barry Obama

"Tingles to me but its different for everyone He is a personal God"

-from Yahoo user Kylie


"When I experience the Holy Ghost for the first time I felt that fire or an intense feeling that starts from the pit of your stomach and spreads throughout the body.
Not a fire that feels like it's burning you alive from the inside out...No!
Just an intense warmth or tingling sensation that can be at times breath taking. Do not forget however, that this was and still is what the presence of the Holy Ghost feels like for me.
...When the presence of the Holy Spirit is manifested it also fills you with this sense of peace and joy, or belonging and purpose, and leaves you feeling complete and empowered.
...The Holy Spirit presence embraces you like the comfort of a friend. It feels like a very real presence that accompanies you throughout your day."

-from "What does the Holy Spirit Presence feel like?"

From the Revolutionary Faith Blog:

"Whenever I’m worshiping in the Spirit, it literally feels like a river is flowing out of my belly–a river flowing with life. Some people might find that description unsettling, but it’s really the most comforting and freeing sensation imaginable. The barrier between God and my flesh is temporarily removed, and I commune deeply with Him.
...When the Holy Spirit is stirred inside of me, all of my anxieties and frustrations melt away. I feel excited about doing God’s work and want to humble myself in worship. He speaks His vision to my heart and gives me hope for the future. Sometimes, the joy I feel is so great that I want to dance. But even more than that, the Holy Spirit surrounds me with His gentleness and compassion. His words may challenge me to eschew sin, but He’s never harsh or manipulative.
...I have experienced... boldness when sharing the gospel with others. Sometimes, it’s like a warm, raging fire in my chest.
...Sometimes when the Holy Spirit is stirred within me, I feel ecstatic–like I could float right up through the ceiling. At other times, I sense a sober and weighty formality. That formality, I believe, comes from God’s glory. God’s presence is a very humbling thing.
...And that’s what the Holy Spirit feels like. He is a river of living water. He is a consuming fire. He is gentle, patient and loving. He brings insight, healing, freedom, boldness and joy. He reveals the glory of God."

-from "What does the Holy Spirit feel like?", by April K

"Then, at the final service, God shattered all of my preconceived notions about experiencing His presence. I always thought that I had to feel something: a weight, an elation, a loss of my senses. After all, most of my faith experience at this point had involved some kind of emotionalism. But none of that happened. God showed me that I could experience Him with my physical senses–emotions not needed.
...I began praying with a woman from my church, waiting to feel God’s presence bubbling up in my soul. But I felt nothing but a cold void inside of me...
And then...
I heard someone singing. It was nice. Very nice. Beautiful. Heavenly, in fact. Arresting. The sound grew louder, more intense. It was the most beautiful singing I had ever heard. Who was that?
...The other women began to hear it, too.
...Soon, I could count six distinct voices...  And the sound grew more intense by the minute. I could feel vibrations in my chest. This went on for 15 or 20 minutes.
And the sound. My God. There was nothing like it. I remember hearing Charlotte Church sing when I was a kid. This blew her out of the water. These were operatic voices with no vibrato. Perfectly pure. Divine. These were angels singing.
I didn’t run around the chapel. I didn’t leap or wave my arms. I didn’t shout in tongues. I didn’t fall out or roll on the floor. Instead, I simply sat and listened with my jaw on the floor. Many of the women were crying and praising God. Thirty-five out of the 38 women at the service said they heard the singing. The next day, some of them reported seeing wings and other visions during that time. I heard a deep, thundering voice speak at the peak of the singing, but what it said, I can’t fully recall or express it in English."

-from "My Faith Experience: Part 2", by April K


  1. I have never told anyone my story. I was taking a shower one day and just thinking random thoughts like what errands I had to do, what I was going to have for dinner, ect. when I just randomly thought to myself, "God, I love you so much". The feeling that came over me cannot be put into words. I didn't feel love but an overwhelming feeling of peace. I had no stress, no worries, nothing but complete peace. I actually stopped showering and said out loud to myself, "What is this? What is going on?" I couldn't even feel the water hitting my back. I just looked around and enjoyed it for about 20 seconds. I finished showering, got dressed and knelt down at the foot of my bed and told God thank you for that experience. If this is even remotely what it feels like to be Heaven, we are in for a real treat and experience that is going to be so wonderful.

    May God Bless you and your families.

    1. The mysteries of God always has you asking for more.

    2. I had a similar experience. I was taking a shower and I asked the question: "Who have I been praying to all these years." The answer came back: "I am Spirit and I am a woman." I think the last part was wishful thinking but it made me feel great.

    3. We r talking abt the holy spirit i dont kno abt u

  2. That sounds like it was a very powerful and important experience. Thank you for sharing it, Brad!

  3. Being filled up with the Holy Spirit, like warmth, peace, joy, electricity,sometimes shaking, an overwhelming sense of my heavenly Father's love for me, feeling wrapped up in a big heavenly cuddle, sometimes with tears, sometimes a song bubbles up out of nowhere, just worshipping my lovely Jesus, causes me to feel His love and compassion for people I get led to pray with and share Jesus with

    1. I could never get enough. I prayed for hours just because I wanted too. That's how great it is.

  4. I feel so honored to have been able to experience the holy spirit. For me Its been like a strong presence inside of me That takes over my body and makes me feel safe and peaceful. All my worries and anxiety go instantly and i no longer remember them ....Sometimes when I have my arms lifted Ive felt like if they were being lifted up higher and higher and I no longer have control over them but they move and are hold by him. Other times I have felt like electricity in my body and incredible joy That I just cant contain...

    1. I remember my first time having the holy spirit. Whenever I hear anything about the Lord my eyes would well up with happiness. Couldn't stop. Its just so intetesting. Thank you for your post.

    2. I get that floating feeling all the time!

    3. I as well felt a warm energy and light surrounding my body. I felt an extreme happiness and burst of energy the feelings cannot even be put into words. I felt like I was going to float to the ceiling as well. It was the most profound feeling I've ever felt in my life

  5. I was doing a senior portrait photography shoot, and found myself at a little wooden chapel in the middle of the woods, on Washington Island, Wisconsin. Before my client came up the path, I went in, and sat, and prayed. The feeling I got, was nothing I've ever felt before. I was completely calm, I'd never felt such a peace, he told at the same time, the energy flowing through me was almost to much to contain. I felt like my chest was going to burst, my heart was the fullest it's ever been. It was the most incredible experience, and I have no doubt that it was the Holy Spirit.

    1. I told someone when you get it, trust me you will know. I'm happy the holy spirit gas glazed yor spirit and thank you for your post.

  6. My story with the dwelling of the holy spirit begins with my first baptism. I decided it was time to attune myself with God's will. I was ready to spiritually die to old self and raise up a new person unto the Lord. So I did. I gave Our Savior my hardest prayer. A person asked me did I feel the holy spirit . At the time, I didn't know what I was looking to feel anything, just forgiveness. A bit of discourage came upon me, and the gentleman said keep asking for it. Its a sure thing. That's what I did for months. Seek it, and not focusing on it. Reading(bible), and praying nearly everyday. Finding my mistakes and how our Father wants me to handle them instead. Standing still until our Lord says we can move. My wife and I just got married 2 months before this blissful day, but on a Sunday our great Lord blessed both of us to experience that eternal spring of non-quenching water that the holy spirit is described to be at the same time, also speak in tongues. That was totally worth the wait and it opened mine and my wife eyes to what almighty God we serve. Full of mystery that we can't see in one's life-time. I love you My Lord, My King, My Everything!

    1. I was lost for words on that day. It was something I didn't know of or wasn't expecting at all to happen. I am truly blessed that you have become the way you are with our Lord, because you have helped me through this journey. I was raised a Christian, reading the bible, going to church every Sunday and believing in God. But what does that all matter without truly committing yourself and having a personal relationship with our Lord. It was then and until now, when I saw and experienced what it was like to be a true Christian, not only to believe but to practice what I read all those years. I am blessed with the Holy Spirit this wonderful waterfall feeling that I receive every time. When I learned about his works, I asked for more and more. It is more I am receiving along with mist and feeling of water going through my body. Some people call it magic, has something to do with science, or something else. We all know what it is. Who he is, and how amazing his works truly are. I am not ashamed to now be outspoken about my beliefs or share with others my testimony. He is the Alpha Omega, the King, the love of my life, and I will always love and live my life for him.

  7. Whenever I feel the Holy Spirit it's always in prayer, deep prayer, which I usually do in the shower. I have this tired feeling. As if I've been holding something heavy for a long period of time and unable to sit. It's as though I can't lift my arms. All I want is to lay down. At first I was very nervous because I didn't know what it was but, my mother is highly spiritual and informed me that it is the Holy Spirit letting me know that he is present.

    1. I know everybody's experience for the Holy Spirit different, but could you recall what it felt like?

  8. Whenever I feel the Holy Spirit it's always in prayer, deep prayer, which I usually do in the shower. I have this tired feeling. As if I've been holding something heavy for a long period of time and unable to sit. It's as though I can't lift my arms. All I want is to lay down. At first I was very nervous because I didn't know what it was but, my mother is highly spiritual and informed me that it is the Holy Spirit letting me know that he is present.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Thank you for sharing these experiences!

  11. Pray that the holy spirit will renew himself in me. Thank you 8

    1. Will do Jack hake :) I'm going to back track to how I got the Holy Spirit to begin with. His Word is true & just.

    2. is anyone still following this post

  12. The best way I can explain being touched by the Holy Spirit is that every cell in your body is embraced with pure, warm love and you feel nothing but peace and happiness. No worries sadness, nothing. Every human thought is erased but peace and happiness. I've seen and felt the Holy spirit 3 times in my life so far and every time I did, it was always in my darkest moments when I lost all hope. The yellow-white pulsating light along with what one feels when being touched by the holy spirit is something you cannot compare to anything in this world

    1. Wow, that sounds amazing! I'd love to hear more about your experiences, if you feel like sharing. Thank you!

    2. I felt the presence of the holy spirit l was in my room by myself my body got warm my body started shaking hands started sweating l didnt no what was going l start crying alot can somebody tell me wat that was first time feeling like that

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I was in jail, I did 25 days once, I was about 33 years old, I'm 52 now. 3 people in cell, 2 beds, I had the floor. I read on the bulletin there would be a church service at 6:00 pm. As the time approached I felt drowsy, I figured I would just try to sleep some time away. One of the guys started peeing in the toilet by my head. I sprung up and said "looks like I'm going to church." What I remember is about 8 to 10 people, 3 were Spanish, and man sitting in a chair playing a guitar and singing in a small room. I don't really recall if I was singing along, but I was reading a bible in my cell. Them it was like I was struck by lightning. Every cell in my body screamed with joyous energy. It was like I could feel every cell in my body individually. It was a tingly overwhelming feeling of peace, love and warmth. Tears gushed, I mean gushed, like a cup of water on my face, I didn't breathe in or out. I just stood there with a blank stare, mid song. I would say it was like a non sexual orgasm magnified by 1000. During the same song the man was singing, mid verse, laughed out loud, and said, "I just felt the Holy Ghost." I just stood there in awe of what just happened to me, staring straight ahead, and said to myself, yeah. As I looked around when the song was finished I noticed the man playing the guitar just looked at me and smiled.

    1. Yeah it does feel orgasmic. I experienced this at church yesterday and it's better than sex

    2. I have experienced this the very first time I prayed at the age of 25 as an atheist reaching out to God for family issues. Your description is often how I've described it myself while trying to explain it to others. Now at the age of 52 I was recently baptized and the Holy Spirit is flowing through my body and I feel it every day. I've also had four spiritual encounters with Jesus in his presence in the night. I've also had two Divine healings. I have heard His voice a few times with direction. I praise him, and I thank Him.

  15. I feel the holy spirit in so many ways every day. The physical manifestations are usually an intense heat in my stomach, almost like fire on the inside of my body. It will move to different places depending on what my situation is. I often feel like my entire body is high off the ground, a few feet. This feeling only comes when I'm in prayer or conversation with him but it is undeniable and feels like I'm floating. The most common is really hard to explain. It's almost like a buzzing or hum but it makes my whole body feel almost like I'm being hugged but without the physical touch. It's like hug-energy but over your entire body. It's very hard to explain. It's a physical manifestation of love, I think. He/she/it speaks to me loudly sometimes. Dreams, clear voices in my head, visions in my minds eye. Sometimes a very loud mans voice in my bedroom while I'm asleep, so loud it will wake me out of a dead sleep. The voice is usually giving direction or comfort or warning me of what's ahead. One of the best ways to discern if the voice is from God is to study and know your identity in Christ and know the words must align with that truth. If they don't its not from him. It helps to ask and "test the spirit" - say Jesus, if this is from you, make it plain. One of my favorite ways the spirit communicates with me is through literal road signs or weird words. I will look up during my day while conversing and it will be the exact words in answer to our conversation. The fruits of the spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, and self-control. Gods voice will always bring peace. Conviction, but not condemnation. Direction. Comfort. If its not those things, it's not him, no matter who says it is. The other important thing to remember, I think, is that although yes sometimes the holy spirit is a big spectacle, often it is more like a babbling brook- steady. Comforting, and present. It won't always be some big loud moment. It can be experienced all day every day if your heart is quiet enough to hear. There have been moments where I was suicidal on the floor and felt a strong hand literally pick me up off the floor. I'm so grateful for HS and love him so much. Nothing more personal than those small moments. I have lots of stories but I came on here because the fire is new for me and I wondered who else has been experiencing it. It has been in my inner ears, on my feet, in my tummy, on my entire head, and in my legs once as well in reference to hinds feet. Can anyone share their experiences with this? The inner ear fire is what is the weirdest to me.

    1. Thank you so much for sharing this! I especially appreciate your description of how you discern whether a spirit is from God. It sounds like you have had some powerful experiences.

    2. My name is Timothy and I am obsessed with Jesus and the Holy Spirit. As I type this message, I feel the warmth in my tommy. The warmth makes me love people so much, it makes me full of compassion for people. It also makes me love Jesus up to the point where I cry just because I want to see Jesus face to face. One day as I was worshipping God and singing, I started feeling the burning inside me like fire. After worshipping and singing, I tried to sleep but I couldn't, I just wanted to pray. As I tried to pray, I couldn't say a word at all. All I could do was cry, tears rolled from my eyes like rivers, yet I was very peaceful. I felt as if Jesus was standing next to me. I eventually slept after a long time of weeping in fellowship with Jesus. I woke up at midnight only to realise that the burning had increased to 90 percent, I was extremely hot, my eyes hurt from the spiritual flame. The Holy Spirit then explained to me that God is burning me for the sake of purification. That midnight, I had to go take a cold shower to bring the temperature down a bit. The next day, the burning continued and I was happy it hadn't left even though it was a bit uncomfortable, I loved it regardless. One of the effects of the burning was compassion. I would sing and cry and worship all day long and feel great love for people and God. At that point, I can give my life for another person.
      I also experience my hands moving by them selves and my head gently swinging form left to right even my legs and whole body. My fingers move individually without me controlling them. I feel gentle electric shocks on different parts of my body. Immediately I feel the electric shock on any part of my body, that part moves by it self. It's like the Holy Spirit is operating on me. The feeling is always so sweet. I also feel the groanings of the Holy Spirit at times. I pray 95 percent of the day. When I sleep, I wake up and I find my self praying in tougues. My hands move in the air, I feel the 100 percent presence of God. I can go on and on. But lemme stop here. Praise God.

    3. Thanks for sharing this, Timothy! Your experience seems really intense!

  16. It was winter '13/'14 and I had decided it was time to follow my gut for a little bit. I dropped my bad habits and practiced prayer and worship vigilantly. Over a month of non-stop dedication, every night I'd worship singing along with my headphones on and throughout my days working I'd listen to music praising God.

    One particular night I had laid down as I had every night since my gut took over and worshipped along to prayer and worship music on Pandora. I can't recall if it'd been a few songs in or a dozen when it happened. There was no sign I read or advice I'd heard to prepare me for that moment...

    A hand grasped the top of my head. I immediately knew that it was not a worldly human touch for many reasons. I was alone, door locked, and I lay face up with head on a pillow close to the wall. This was none other than the Holy Spirit as not only does testimony of others alive today verify but the Bible even verifies.

    So the hand grasped my head and from the contact poured pure joy into my body like an empty vessel bring filled from the head to the toes! Oh my was I begging to understand but only for a quick moment as I quickly fell to laughter! Laughter that to my ears sounded of a mad man!

    This pure joy was a sliver or a tiny piece of glitter of the heavens. It was a high no earthly substance could ever imitate or compete with. I begged the Holy Spirit to take me now. I remember the holy Spirits voice now! There was another voice! I only remembered the voice of fear till now!

    Oh Joy! The first voice was peace and truth from Holy Spirit! It said you can't come home now, you have so much to learn and so much to do! But in that moment is when fear took over.

    The devil intervenes as he came uninvited and broke the joy as he spoke angrily "You're all going to hell!" And then I just remember the hand had left at the moment pulling all that heavenly sliver with it.

    The devil had slowly driven me from my visions and down to dark places of which I almost committed suicide by OD and that was the devil's last mistake because I'm back now learning how to call on the Holy Spirit again!

    I've received visions of trust and reassurance that the Holy Spirit still lives! Praise and glory to God, the holy and King!

    (I'd never read the whole Bible or anything about God giving us the holy Spirit to bless us as far as I can recall. In fact, until today I don't remember ever finding testimony like I have on this forum that actually validates my experience! We're all so blessed!)

    1. I've had so many crazy things happen to me not sure what it was but it felt warm at the top of my head and mouth then through out my body kinda of caught me off guard. I was reading the bible when this happened I stayed hot off and on for weeks and when I listen to praise and or gospel music I got the happy joyful good feeling in the pit of my tummy. As of the praise was coming from my belly.

  17. When our resident pastor laid his hand on me in prayer, then touched my forehead. In a split second, an explosion of glorious, immense, bright, whitish to golden light enveloped me whole. It was calming bright light but not so glaring to my eyes. I could see & feel it even when my eyes were tightly closed.

    Then the heat on my forehead grew intense. It's like drilling on my forehead. When the heat entered my head, it slowly turned cooler (not cold) then slowly travels down my face, throat then to my chest or belly area & stayed there.

    I felt like my body was lifted up inches off the ground.

    Then I uttered gibberish syllables I couldn't control & comprehend. I think it's something like praising the Lord & thanking Him.

    The whole event lasted for 7 to 10 seconds or so, or maybe minutes (I couldn't really tell). But it seemed like it's "eternal"...

    Overflowing Peace, Love, Joy & Happiness was what I felt that time, that I don't want it to end.

    I remember tears run down my cheeks & asking myself why I cried when supposedly I was in extreme happiness.

    That indescribable experience really was beyond description. No lexicon of words can describe it.

    Imagine your definition of extreme happiness you experienced it here on earth, multiply it a million times over. That's what I experienced!

    1. That is an incredible experience! Is this something that is common in your church? Thank you for sharing!

  18. To me the Holy Spirit feels like a cool chill,flowing and vibrating from within. The best way I can describe the sensation is that the feeling leaves goosebumps, and makes the hair on my neck stand up. All in excitement, no fear accompanies it, instead I'm felt with a sensation that accompanies what most would feel when they recognize "a close call" they missed and they're amazed at the manifestation of being in the right place at the right time. The chills that come with a situation are most similar to what I feel when I'm filling with The Holy Spirit. I feel peace and love and excitement and empowered! It's a wonderful experience.

    1. That is awesome. I like your description of feeling like you are in the right place at the right time. Thank you for sharing this, Marina!

  19. I've encountered the holy spirit before but i didnt it was Him. The first time i knew the holy spirit is with me, i was singing 'Baba O by Sonnie Badu'...i mixed it with tongues and suddenly i felt a peaceful sensation around my body and I found myself crying.

    1. Thanks for sharing! I'm glad you have found something that brings you peace and happiness!

  20. Just experienced a feeling when praying over our gym space. This came as a surprise because I had no previous experience like this. It wasn’t really goosebumps it was more like a soft tingling that started from the top of my head and flowed right down my shoulders all the way to my feet. I was walking and praying over physical objects and it stopped me in my tracks. It lasted for about 20 to 30 seconds. I jumped in my car about half our latter and found myself casting down negativity and attacks that have been challenging my gym my business and other issues. Seems I was preaching a sermon to myself out loud while driving. I’m not a holy roller by no means but there was a power behind the words coming out of my mouth.

    1. Interesting experience! What do you think it means? What do you believe caused it?

      Thanks for sharing!

    2. I would like to talk to you about your experience. Please email me I had experienced something similar.

  21. It took me many years to fully accept Jesus as my Savior. I used to look at the cross and turn away as a child and I didn't understand why something so scary would be on the wall. My Mother the wonderful Mom she was took me to church faithfully several times a week and I even read the Bible through and through as child but didn't understand much of it. I was baptized Catholic and raised Jehovahs Witness and as children weren't separated to a childrens liturgy or discussion young minds get understand unfortunately. Then very long story shortened, I had to go through a journey of "trying things on my own" which of course leads nowhere. Twenty years later, started attending church again thanks to my now husband who brought me back around to church. It took about 15 years (such wasted time) but I started really looking at the cross and truly longed to understand why Jesus did that and to know Him more intimately. After a series of many events of God speaking to me and me being completely blind dismissing every single occurrence lol he sent me a vision in the night and threw me right on the ground in the dirt at the foot of the cross where Jesus hung dying and the love I was enveloped in was so overwhelming there are absolutely no earthly words to describe. Since then several years ago many more "occurrences" as I call them have happened and one of them was insomnia so in the peace of the middle of the night when the kids and hubby are asleep I read the Bible getting to know Him. Than one day somewhat recently, the Spirit in me just became "activated" as I call it. Now it is a vibration in my lower belly like a buzzing. It used to be all day and it took a couple weeks to get used to. Now it doesn't buzz all the time as I was constantly being stimulated and it was causing me a bit of distress and lacking even more sleep. I asked for a little less noticeable channel and now its not all day although when I'm happy it buzzes a great deal more like when I play with my puppies or kids or take a walk in our woods. When I ask a question mentally, I will sometimes get a buzz or no buzz or the answer will pop up in a persons word, scripture or phrase on print, TV show or something else my mind is brought to. I even went to the gym the other day and was getting ready to plug in to the elliptical to watch my normal Cases Unsolved show and my smart phone all of sudden started playing K-Love (Christian music station). I don't even have the App so I was given the mental message to get the App so I did. The Devil tried to get me to watch my show and turned on the TV without me asking and went right to my show lol. At first I thought it was from God trying to tell me something I needed to watch but when I realized the show was about murder and not in line with the Bible I turned it off, downloaded the App and played Praise and Worship music. It is different for everyone I am sure but that is my experience. I hope it never goes away. I'm in a constant state of self scrutiny now. Is what I'm doing at this very moment in line with the Holy Bible? God is good. He knows your heart. God bless...

    1. That sounds like you've had an incredible experience! I'm glad you are able to hang on to it! I wish you the best on your journey!

  22. It would be great to hear about your journey!

    1. I grew up in a church that claimed to be the one and only true Christian church. After a long, drawn out faith crisis, I'm now somewhat agnostic and trying to be open minded. Couldn't really say where I'll be long term. Maybe I'll have to add some more details here about myself sometime.

  23. Fair enough..I also grew up in what the people called "the truth". Then I married into another one and only religion that could "save". My personal take on churches in general? Churches divide. Jesus is about unity not division. When I started on my journey again I did a whole lot of reading. This one struck a chord. I would have never known for sure that that a creator actually thought I was special unless I had not personally experiencing it. Its like I am connected to the divine source and receive physical affirmations in my body a vibration when making decisions or need direction in the way. Weird I can't explain it, still getting used too it. Its awesome though! I have been filled with a driving sense of purpose since this started and the ball has been sent in motion. I started writing a book. I hope other peoples journey help you find your purpose or maybe we're all just part of one big experiment lol.

    1. It sure does seem like you've had some powerful, convincing experiences. From my point of view, we're all on our own journeys, and our own experiences will be most convincing to us, but it's really valuable to try to see another person's perspective. I really appreciate you sharing yours!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. I have to say that what a wonderful feeling. I was in Church Sunday. Standing there praying and all of a sudden the Holy Ghost touched me on the top of my head. The warmth and tingling started moving slowly down my head and body all the way to my toes. It was a straight horizontal line all the way down. I was filled with the Holy Ghost. My knees started twitching and had tears like a river. I let it all go to God. Amen. Thank You! Jesus

    1. Was this when you got saved, or just in your regular worship? Please email me

  25. Hi everyone my name is Gary Mayo

    The Holy Spirit: I’m glad I found this Blog because I only meet one other person that this happened too. I’m 59 now but when I was in my early 20’s I was on drugs. Crystal Meth. I was raised Catholic my girlfriend at the time I was teaching her some of my beliefs. I taught her the our father prayer. I was a believer back then and still am. I used drugs and knew it was wrong but I was messed up. I was molested as a child and suffered some abuse. I kept it all inside telling no one but grew up scared of life. Drugs helped at first. Well one day after using a lot both my girlfriend and I knew we had to stop. We wrote a letter to God saying we are stopping but a month went by and it was put in front of my face and I did it forgetting my promise to God. She also used. When we got home at night late she went straight to bed I stayed up thinking where can I find more drugs. Then my girlfriend looked at me with the saddest eyes and said please come to bed. So I did and she held my hand lying there I think so she would know if I got back up. So I’m lying there full awake thinking where can I get more drugs then I started thinking about the way she looked at me. Then I thought about God. Then I started cussing myself off saying to God how awful I was. Here you put I girl I want to be with forever then you helped us get better jobs. Then got us safe place to stay. I do this. Then room got quiet. But I didn’t notice. Then I felt a tingling but not. Can’t describe the feeling. But it rolled up my body from feet to head. Then I knew it was God. I was just thanking him in shock. My girlfriend suddenly jumped up saying Gary there’s something in the room with us. The held her saying don’t be afraid God is here. She was scared to tears. I told her I was praying and that God helped me. I don’t feel the drugs in me. I asked her what she was doing before it happened she said I was saying the prayer you taught me. Sad to say we were back on drugs and we both split up. I never seen her since. I went to 3 Rehab’s and finally NA. I haven’t used meth since 2000. Would you believe I was even mad God did this. He made me so accountable for my sins. Today I hang on Jesus. I am a hopeless sinner. Do I deserve heaven? No. But I want heaven I want salvation. I’m sorry God please forgive me. Do I believe Jesus will cover my sins on the day of judgment? I’m counting on that because that’s all I have.

    1. Wow, that is quite a journey. I'm glad you feel God has helped you, and I wish you the best!

  26. I too had a bad childhood, sexually abused by several family members including my father. Then my mom went completely mad when I was a teen so I have been solely caring for her and then my only brother died at 21.I too turned on myself, did lots of drugs and drinking, had a child out of wedlock. For all purposes I abandoned God because I felt abandoned by Him. It took me years to get turned around and start warming up to the idea of Him again. I reinstated it with a childlike curiosity mostly which started with reading the Bible start to finish at 43 yes old, journaling, writing open letters to my abusers, repenting of my sins from the past and forgiving myself. He started sending me things to help me in my journey like my wonderful believing husband after many losers, financial stability and other things so I could focus on healing and processing from my past. Once the process was near completion which included writing an autobiography of sorts which I never intended on publishing, His Spirit came to reside within me. Right when I thought my book was done, this amazing supernatural event happened which naturally has put a different light on my book and now needs to be published so others know about what an awesome God we have. It was a bit freaky and took some getting used to. I am still trying to figure out what else I am to do with this new divine energy however whatever it is, I hope it will remain within me to serve Him, glorify His name and bring His kingdom to earth which I will gladly do. Sharing my testimony will be part of it. He has been calling me out on it for many years now. I am just ready now. Ask, seek and knock and the door will be opened. Yes Jesus loves you more than you could know and told me in a dream He died for EVERYONE. A favorite passage that always kept me going was the Sermon on the Mount. God bless you on your journey in the light.

    1. Thank you for sharing this! Would you mind telling us more about your supernatural experience? It sounds like it was life changing for you!

      Faith Observer

    2. Ooops, I just realized you have already posted your story in the comments above! Sorry about that!

    3. It was the most profound experience I have ever had. Now I understand what being baptized in the spirit means. We are the Kingdom of God. We are the temple. Jesus is the head of the church. Jesus came as Word in the flesh to show us the way. John 1:14 - And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. While church is what brought me back to a childlike state of curiosity to learn more about Jesus, it was reading the Bible, repenting to God for my sins, praying for a relationship and doing the works of Jesus as in service to others is what opened the door to me. There is a scripture Hebrews 4:12 - For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Although the Bible can be hard to understand I prayed for wisdom and discernment to understand it and he gave it to me. It is available to anyone who truly seeks a relationship with God. We are His children after all. We were made in His image. God bless.

  27. I've been blessed to have had countless experiences with the Holy Spirit, the most dramatic was when I was saved and truly felt repentance from the depths of my being... I was at Vineyard Fellowship in Laguna Beach on Easter Sunday and I hadn't been to church for a long long time... but had been feeling lost, sad, and worthless--and I started having these thoughts, like a magnet pulling me to go to church. I asked a busboy that I worked with if I could go to church with him on Easter Sunday... And I don't recall if it was at the end of service, it must have been because the pastor during closing worship prayed the sinner's prayer, and I remember not being able to hold back tears, closing my eyes, and then all of a sudden others were laying their hands on me in my row and what happened next was truly Supernatural... I remember a bright light coming down slowly and then being in front of me, and then entering my body and filling me with this intense warm feeling from head to toe, and lingering, and then rising from my feet to my head and this uncontrollable crying and supreme happiness and surrender... almost like something was being simultaneously pulled out of me and filled at the same time... I knew nothing of the Bible but after that, couldn't get out of the Bible and the Words felt alive and it was like the secrets of God were being revealed to me, I saw trees, nature, and most of all, people as beings of unsurpassable worth...

    Oh my... Jesus had to break me to save me

    1. That sounds really amazing. I'm happy for you! Thanks for sharing your experience!

  28. When the Holy Spirit would control you you can feel with the Holy Spirit. Paul describe this things do not drunk but fill with the Holy Spirit. it doesn't mean believers cannot control themselve.

  29. Although I’ve been a Christian for 45 years, I first “felt” the Holy Spirit watching a Preacher on an obscure Satakite TV station talking about the “power” of the Holy Spirit. I always thought I had the Holy Spirit just because I had accepted Christ as my Savior as I was taught in my Baptist Church, but little focus on the “power of the Holy Spirit” that TV Preacher was talking I began to pray for God to fill me with the Holy Spirit and it felt like very warm water being poured on top of my head and running all the way through my body to my feet, waves over and over, I was overwhelmed and in tears, the first time I had actually physically felt Gods power. Over the years when I need strength or confidence in facing a situation I pray for God to fill me with the Holy Spirti, sometimes I have that sensation knowing God is hearing my prayer and other times I have not felt it, which makes me think I have something interfering with my receiving Gods blessing? I have only talked to one other person that knew exactly what I had experienced,..... Even though, like I said before, that my Church doesn’t really talk about the Holy Spirit in this sense, God has put it on my heart to investigate more about the Power of the Hily Spirit and what I should do with it... tell everyone? help others? Could this be used for healing? I did read somewhere that “using the Holy Spirit on your own” and not by explicit directions from God could be dangerous, so that is the main reason I have sort of just sat on this awesome gift because of pure ignorance as what to do. I would appreciate prayers for guidance.

    1. Wow, you've had a powerful experience. It's interesting how you described it like warm water being poured over your head, and being overwhelmed with tears. Lots of others have described it the same way.

      I don't think I can tell you how to interpret or use your experience, but thank you for sharing! I wish you the best on your journey.

    2. I felt this too when I was 9. Would like to talk to you more about this. Please email me at

  30. When I turned my life over to Christ I was ignorant to all scripture for the exception of Genesis and Revelation. The 2 that I Loved reading. After I gave up my horror movies in the garbage, I felt weak and I kept feeling, like IcyHot was rubbed on my bones. It was a hot burning and yet cool sensation. Still trying to figure that one out

    1. That sounds like it powerfully affected you. Thank you for sharing your experience!

  31. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  32. I feel a tingling sensation in my heart - almost like cool pop rocks crackling in my heart. Sometimes its more intense like a cascade of water falling over my heart. Almost always a cool, pleasant feeling. Just today I felt it in a different way. It was kind of like the cascading waterfall feeling but it was very warm. Its almost always a cool feeling. Which leads me to believe something is going on. Not real sure what, but it feels like something is going to happen. Things are leading up to something. All night and this morning up to this post (4:46 pm) I've been feeling like this along with a peaceful feeling on my face. This just suddenly started happening last night and is still present as Im typing today.

    1. Thanks for sharing this! I wish you the best on your journey.

  33. I also had a warm feeling of peace when wtching a preacher on tv and accepted god and jesus into my heartbut am sick now and don't feel the holy spirit like I used to could this be because I need to go to church and be baptised

  34. My sister-in-law was stricken with a series of fatal seizures when she was 29. She was on life support for nearly a week while we waited for her to be truly brain dead so we could donate her organs. It was one of the darkest periods in my life. On day 5 of life support, my mom and I headed to the hospital. We got off the elevator and she said, "pray with me." We held hands and asked God to bring Sarah home to him. All of the sudden, the ground shook beneath me and I felt an energy swirling around me. My mother said, "It's the holy spirit! Do you feel it?" We headed to Sarah's room to find out that she had been pronounced brain dead and they could begin the process of organ matching (which took another 2 days). Where Sarah's face had looked tense before, she had look of peace upon her face. When I tell people about my experience, I am often moved to tears, even 6 years later. It was an amazing experience, and a testament to my faith.

  35. That's beautiful Amanda. Outside of the song Red Letters by Crowder I had not heard of the ground shaking beneath someone feet. It happened to me before I was filled with the Spirit. So comforting to know you and she were granted God's peace before He took her home. God bless...

  36. I, too, experienced the warm oil feeling from head down when I got saved, accepting Christ, at 9. I thought everyone experienced this, but they don't. I am trying to find out more about this, and I would like to speak with others that had the same experience. Please contact me!

  37. My encounter with the Holy Spirit was an overpowering physical turbulence of my Spirit that it took me out of my seat, I felt like I was full blown pregnant and felt my Spirit turn inside of me as if I was really giving birth that it left me breathless,it was an overwhelming desire of LOVE!

  38. Thank you Timothy! I finally found someone else that is moved literally by Him! My arms and my head too. It’s like I’m underwater. But like a dance.

    I’ve been feeling Him since being healed by His spirit baptism. I had pancreatitis and it went away when I bowed down in worship and I felt an intense warm pressure pulling upward and inward in my tummy.

    I hear His voice not audibly but it’s like he’s speaking to my heart and mind in a thought. I’ve had visions and He’s given me words of wisdom, etc.

    I felt oil being poured out on my head. I also feel His breath. Electricity. Numbness, tingling. A constant presence over my whole chest or in my tummy. I’ve experienced the fire bubbling up and intense tongues. Singing to songs I don’t know. I Know He’s in the room. We’ve danced. I felt His touch. He’s held my hand and anointed me with a cross on my forehead.

  39. Thankful for everyone's testimony, it provided reassurance, peace and a sense of belonging. I've been reading the Bible and repenting for almost one year, slowly seeing me and my whole life change. Last night I lay in my bed last night under the covers with my hands in the hair, weeping and saying Praise You Jesus and after utterings I felt my mouth not taken over but shared and was speaking in tongues with and in the Spirit. The buzzing and warmth covered me...I was pulled out and above my bed and the tarry blackness of old sin just fell off my body and was replaced with a translucent oil. I didn't want to go back to my body and all the lies (this world) either.

    He gave me a vision of being inside Jesus hanging on the cross, seeing what he saw looking out. And when he died the power of the love from the believers and the energy from the trees just rushed into him and the power and energy from Heaven rushed into this realm.

    Now as I walk, I walk in the body of Christ, my spirit was pulled in like a magnet. I walk in the power and the glory of God now, we all do with His Spirit. I know now where I'm going and who I am and there's work to do here. I am excited to see how he uses me, to live the rest of my life like this and to share this love with others.

    ~~~ Love to you all brothers and sisters. Fight the Good Fight, Be of Good Courage...and STAND FAST IN ONE SPIRIT, WITH ONE MIND striving together for the faith of the gospel; Phil 1:27

  40. God is so amassing, He is faithful. I spent years of not sleeping at night I had nightmare after nightmare I did not who to turn to, but little did I know God presence was with me.One day the Holly Spirit spoke to me and says do midnight prayer then I started doing research about midnight prayer and buying book. I thank God for opened my ears to listen to his voice, I spent maybe I don't remember for sure about 3 months or more doing midnight prayer and 40 days fasting. Thanks to the power of the Holly Spirit today I am free of that darkness I am no longer a slave anymore I am a child of God. Nothing is too big for God. It begin today start doing mightnight prayer and 40 days fasting God is always on time whatever you are going thru God see you, get on your knee and start worshiping him. You are not alone he is right there with me, midnight prayer is the key to your happiness I cannot believe I am alive today so much that i went thru lol thanks to Jesus.

  41. Receiving the Holy Spirit has to be the best feeling ever. It feels so divine, the joy and peace that fills your mind and body is unmatched.
    It manifests sometimes when I have worship sessions with Bible study. It's like my heart is being weighed down,and my chest is heavy. Somehow simultaneously, I find myself sharing Bible Scriptures on my social media that receive great attention. It's really a beautiful experience

  42. Is there a thing like singing in tongues?i have never been musical..i don't have a singing voice but lately i have been singing in that a thing?

    1. I would say that it is a way to experince God in the form of prayer and praise.

  43. Thanks for posting my blog on this site. I have written a book on my unusual experinces in prayer. This is the info for

  44. When I feel the presence of the Holy Spirit, each and every time, I t overwhelms me to the point of tears. I cry tears of joy and gratitude- overwhelming gratitude and I KNOW that God exists. All I can do is thank Him for all things, one being that he truly does love me. I can only imagine how unbelievable it will be to actually be in His presence. There are no words to adequately describe the amazing emotional reaction I have when I experience the blessings of the Holy Spirit. And I thank God for that.

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  46. It’s unexplainable, it’s peace and everything. That you find peace and love in everything. You know it’s there and there’s no going back. It has got you.
